
Success is the golden fruit we all want to eat. But we don't like to put in the hard work for it. instead, we look for the secret formula to be successful. 

Sorry to disappoint you. But success has no secret formula. There is no set road.

Although there are some qualities successful people have in common.

1.Dream Big.

You will never be successful if you don't see yourself to be one. Successful people dream big. They set their bar much much higher than their current capabilities.

This way they will know what they have to do to achieve their goals and work to improve their capabilities.

2. Ask the right question.

Successful people learn to ask the right questions. Elon Musk once said
"The tough thing is figuring out which questions to ask. But once you’ve done that, finding the right answers becomes easy"-Elon Musk

Most people don't Understand the power of Questioning. As Tony Robbins said 
"The quality of your life is directly proportional to the quality of the questions you ask yourself” .
The better questions you ask yourself, the greater the chance of success will come to you.

3. Do not Stop Learning

All successful people have one thing in common. Top CEO's read 50 books per year on an average. Great investor Warren Buffet says 
"Read 500 words every day. That's how knowledge works. It builds up like compound interests."-Warren Buffet
 Successful people understand the importance of learning. So they educate themselves on various topics like business, relationship, marketing, health, etc.

They also know that there is no point in learning if you don't apply it in your life.
So they apply and test their learning.

4. Take Risks

Risk and reward are the two sides of a coin. All successful people know the value of taking calculated risks. The key here is to visualize what normal people don't see and take risks to build it from there. 

There was no grantee for them to succeed. But they took risks and leave everyone else in awe.

The key here is to be aware of what you are doing and what you can afford to lose. As T.S. Elliot said 
"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go"-T.S. Elliot
5. Don't rely on Luck

Successful people know things don't happen if you wait to get lucky. They live in the present. They work hard to go on a position where opportunities come to them.

Successful people understand the value of 'time' has in their life. They know that luck means the freedom to do everything they want. They know good things take time, a lot of it. 

They believe in their abilities and go all into their goal, despite many failures. 

6. Don't care what people say

Truth be told, most people are not worth listening to. 

They give you advice which they haven't tried themselves. Then there are the naysayers who constantly try to undermine the work you put in.

Successful people understand these and focus on 2 -3 people who resonate with their goals and take advice from people who have experience in their fields. 

If you want to be successful in your personal and professional life, consider developing these 6 traits. These traits will elevate your skills and help you achieve more with the same 24 hours everyone has.

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