About Me


Hi There,

We haven't met before. My name is Arnab Ghosh. I am a 23 years old millennial who is starting out his career .
As I grow old I have been taught to consume. I consumed Media,Luxury, education. Everything. But now as I am thinking about it, I feel if I can not create something and give some value to the society my life will not worth it.
As John F. Kennedy said
Ask not what your country has done for you, ask what you do for your country.
I believe his ideology. So I say 
Ask not what people have done for you, ask what you did for people.
I always wanted to create something which I can shere with people. But i didn't know what it is. The funny thing is that


I still don't.
Anyway I am willing to make the effort.

I always have a void in my heart that tells something is missing in my life. And this void fills up when i sketch. I never had formal training nor I am a professional . I draw because its fun. And i love doing it.
I will try to incorporate my sketches to the writings. 
Because I have created the blog to give information to you as well to have fun during the process.
Thank you

Mr. E-Monk

