Motivation is like a campfire, you need 3 key components to enjoying the fullest. 

  1.  A Match- to get the fire started.
  2.  The Wood- to keep the fire going.
  3.  The Heat- to roast the corns.
When we start work we are filled with enthusiasm and motivation. But as we go through, the motivation starts to fade away.

 No matter what you are working on, your business, your health, your job or your daily responsibilities, there will be days when you don't want to get out of bed and tackle your responsibilities.

If it sounds like you, don't get disappointed. You are not alone.

Research says 92% of people don't make it to the end due to the same reasons. But it doesn't mean it is impossible. The rest of 8% do it. and the fact that you are reading this article is proof that you have a strong desire to be that 8 %.

Here are some tips on how to get motivated when you don't feel like it.

1. Clearly define your Purpose.

Take a pen and paper and write down 10 things you are interested in. Then further check with which one of them can improve your life and career. And stick to those.

In this world, information is easily available. And you get confused easily by other people's success. You see some people doing something on Instagram and think "Oh!, This is easy, I can do it". But along the way, you lose focus because it's not the thing you want from your heart.

So find a Purpose, by thinking of which your heartbeat elevates, your eyes lit up with excitement. That way you will not be bored or demotivated during the hard times

2.Break your goal to small tasks

You clarified your purpose. Now it's time to take action. It doesn't feel much scary in your head. But when you start to put in the work, you realize it's a lot of hard work and it's tough. 

Your inside Red siren goes live and you start to panic. You feel like its a big mountain and you don't know where to start digging. As a result, you keep procrastinating and delaying the work.

The solution to this problem is to break the task down to small manageable pieces. In this way, the task will not feel so overwhelming. and you get to execute it without worrying. Everything worth needs time. You won't be a millionaire overnight. So, Chill out a bit and enjoy the process.

3. Believe in yourself.

You know what you have to do, and you are doing it. But you don't really believe that if you can make it. You still believe that those who have achieved success are extraordinary people, and it takes special something to get it done and you don't have the capabilities to do the work. And the voice inside of your head keeps repeating "why are you even trying, you won't get it anyway"

The solution is to keep track of your progress. to stay motivated, you have to look back from time to time and see what you have achieved in the past. This way you will know that you went through hard times in the past. And you can do it again. 

Long term fix for this problem is to change your thinking. We have been brought up by society with a very limiting mindset. The school doesn't teach how to make use of your full potential. The school doesn't teach you to fail and get up. So we tend to get really scared of trying.

We have to change this mindset all along. We can do this by reading success stories, read self-improvement books, listen to podcasts, motivational speakers.  This will help you elevate your mindset and break the fixed mindset.

4. Win your Fear.

Admit it. You Are Afraid. The fear of failing, fear of embarrassing around peers is getting you. You are scared because the future is unknown and you may even afraid of success. So you keep postponing the works you need to do.

The thing to do here is to mindfully push yourself. Deliberately put yourself in an uncomfortable situation. Start small. Soon you will comfortable with uncomfortable. Being afraid s OK. But not taking action for that? That's not OK.

5. Be Patient

The patient is the key. In this fast-paced world, We are all the victims of instant gratification. What we want, we need it right now.

 But we need to realize that valuable things take time. A Lot. You won't find any successful person who is impatient. So instead of worrying, enjoy the process. Don't chase money in the initial years. Instead, focus on learning and building a system that will generate money. Reward yourself for the small tasks you accomplish.

6. Review Your Goal

Motivation doesn't stick for a very long time even for a highly motivated person. So you need to develop the skill to self- motivate yourself. 

And the way to do this is to review your goals. Write down your goals to a paper and keep it with you always. Whenever you feel like quitting, read the paper. Remind yourself why you started in the first place. 

7. Listen to motivational speeches.

Motivational speeches are a great way to get motivation instantly. But there is a Catch. Many people I've to know including myself watch motivational videos, or speeches, feel good about it. But doesn't get actual shit done.

Don't be like that person. Always keep your focus on your goal. The last thing you want to do is always talk about it and don't put in the work.

Now Do It!

Speaking of putting in the work, Nothing will matter unless you put in the work. 

Take Baby steps, but take it.

Force yourself daily. It will build the habit to get shit done. 

Its gonna be hard, but it's worth the effort. 

Do these Steps and You will feel Motivated. And if you don't perhaps its time to analyze the problems and work on those.


